1. Cycling
People now very like going to anywhere by car and motorcycles. Usually we ride it ourselves. Pollution are made from motorcycles and other vehicles. But not for bicycle, bicycle not produce any bad chemical things to air. Bicycle is safe vehicle. Although you cannot ride bicycle for far distances, you have decrease the pollution made by yourself. Now, many people in the world have do this, they cycle together with their friends enjoying the peaceful nature and usually people go cycling with their organizations. For benefits, beside you reduce pollution it will make your body healthier. Let's do this as much as you can, for nature and for yourself.
2. Throw garbage in right places
Human often throw their garbages everywhere, usually in sidewalk, on the r
3. Recycle
This is people very like to do. Recycles! We have 2 wastes, organic and anorg
4. Wise to energy
This is one thing people very careless with it. We usually use energy in our house greedy, all lamps are turned on, TV turned on even there aren't people watching it, and turn on Air conditioner even you aren't use it. From examples above, what energy mostly used? that's electricity. We use electricity for our life, but electric energy will be drained and wasted to emptiness. It's good if you are use your energy wisely, if you save energy, you can use it for other use or for other time. Like lights, we need lights on night, so don't turn on it many on day. If you use light both in night and day, it will drained more of your electricity. Due to it, you must also pay more for electricity. One dangerous thing is Air conditioner, several AC will profuce Chlorofluocarbon (CFC) that will destroy ozone. But if you control it by turn on it if you need, you'll save energy and reduce amounts of CFC in the world. For this, Earth Hour program is like this too, minimalize usage of energy.
5. Minimalize using of
This thing heard impossible but truly this is possible! You are not prohibited to use paper but just reduce it even 1 sheet. By minimalize paper, we have reduce the garbages and wood cutting to make paper. many people have do this, they do this by use other technology to do something. Like in school, several teachers have minimalize paper by give their students homework by using email, explain to student by presentation and many more.
Some heard easy and some heard hard to do. You can just do what can you do, you don't have to do all things i mention above. By doing one thing above you have reduce pollution and save nature. So, keep save our nature and Go Green! Don' forget to Reduce, Recycle, Reuse and Respect!